Development on bitrix platform

1c Bitrix is ​​one of the most popular content management systems. On its basis, online stores, corporate portals, simple information sites, sites of communities and government organizations are created. Creating a site on 1с Bitrix is ​​not just a tribute to trends, but a measure that brings real benefits.

Development on bitrix platform

Benefits of sites on Bitrix

  • Security. The company applies high standards of customer resource protection. Each site is part of the Bitrix corporate culture, where the greatest attention is paid to maintaining the security and productivity of all resources.
  • High performance. Withstands heavy loads, you can create sites with tens of thousands of pages, traffic is limited only by the capabilities of the server. CMS constantly analyzes the performance of the resource and the speed of its work, offering solutions to improve performance.
  • Convenient management of sales channels for goods and services.
  • Integration with CRM systems. There is no need to create separate resources, it is enough to synchronize Bitrix with the CRM system used.
  • Wide possibilities. From the office, you can keep inventory records, connect any payment systems: Yandex.Money; Webmoney; Visa; Mastercard.
  • Clear interface, the site is easy to manage. If you have any questions about working with the resource, you can always contact support and get an answer to any question.
  • SEO integration. Convenient management of SEO resources through integration with the Яндекс ”Острова” platform. Thanks to this system, your customer can shop directly from the search results. A wide range of modules simplifies the optimization of multi-page resources.
  • Adaptive design. The resource automatically adjusts to any device resolutions.

Creating a site on Bitrix from scratch includes the following steps:

  • Preliminary analysis of the competitive environment and customer needs.
  • Design and development of technical specifications for the creation of the site.
  • Responsive design development and approval.
  • HTML layout and programming.
  • Functionality testing.
  • Launch and follow-up of the project.
  • Use of various promotional tools.
Development on bitrix platform
Development on bitrix platform

A site on 1с Bitrix is ​​a universal sales tool on the Internet. The Bitrix CMS provides a wide range of functionality: media content management, website content, creation of mailing lists, Web resource analysis.

If you need a high-quality resource for selling goods or services of the company, contact Tanix and we will help you create such a website. To place an order or get advice, call the numbers listed on the site or leave a request through the order form.

PRICE: from 4000 $

TERMS: from 3 months

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