
Rebranding is a complete or partial change in the image and ideology of the brand to improve recognition and perception by the target audience. We offer rebranding services for the website and the image of the organization in the market as a whole.


Types of rebranding

There are two systems of work on the image: revolutionary and evolutionary. Revolutionary - a radical change in brand components. This approach is used in case of a sharp deterioration in the economic condition of the brand, loss of reputation.
Evolutionary - components change partially. It is used to maintain the economic performance of the company with their gradual decline.

What includes:

Rebranding with Tanix Group involves a thorough study of the history and philosophy of the brand itself, the competitive environment and the market. This is necessary to understand what needs to be done to return the brand to its former position in the market. Determining the goals of rebranding based on the information obtained at the research stage. Implementation of all activities for the rebranding of the company: changing the site, printing products, promotional materials.


Rebranding goals

  • Preservation of a loyal audience and its expansion.
  • Improving the company's image in the market.
  • Increasing consumer confidence in the brand.
  • Adjustment of the visual components of the brand.
  • Increasing the price of the company and its intangible assets for subsequent sale on more favorable terms.
  • Rebranding of an organization involves an integrated approach to changing all components of the company's image.

Action plan when working on the image of the company

  • Market research and brand target audience.
  • Carrying out brand restyling: changing the brand name/logo, name, packaging style.
  • Website redesign, outdoor advertising, printing products.
  • Creating a brand book for the correct use of rebranding materials.
  • This list may be supplemented by additional events.

Do you want to restore sales figures, increase loyalty from the target audience and breathe new life into the company's products? Contact Tanix Group.