
Correctly planned brand design is the key to the company's success. A well-developed design will help breathe new life into the company and improve the competitiveness of the brand through increased awareness.
Tanix Group is a team of specialists who will help your company reach a new level of development. The high efficiency of our work is associated with the extensive experience of the company's marketers and designers, as well as with knowledge of the latest design trends.


What are we doing?

Tanix Group offers a full range of services for the formation of the company's corporate identity:

Website design

Logo development

Banner and Slider Design

Brand book development


Website design

Website design

The website in the XXI century is the face of the company. Today it is impossible to conduct business without a representative office on the Internet, but having a website in itself does not make your company successful.

There are a number of factors to consider when developing a design:

  • Choosing the target audience. An important stage, without which the work on the design can be absolutely useless. The age, economic status, geographic location of your customers are determined in order to provide everything you need to purchase a product: from a clear structure to the possibility of ordering with delivery (don't be surprised, this is also taken into account in the design).
  • Convenience. The site should be accessible to every user and understandable to any person from the target audience.
  • Color scheme. Back to the target audience again. The color scheme is determined not based on the tastes of the designer or the client, but with a focus on the client and his tastes.
  • Simplicity. One of the main tasks of a designer is to minimize the number of user actions to accomplish the main goal: buying, ordering, subscribing.

Design success is the result of deep analysis of the brand's audience, so analytics should not be neglected.

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Logo development

It would seem like a small icon, but how many advantages does it have:

  • increasing company awareness
  • improving the effectiveness of marketing activities
  • a means of highlighting in a competitive market
  • increasing customer loyalty with successful activities.

There are many types of logos. The Tanix Group takes on the task of detailed analysis and development to improve your company's position in the market.

Logo development
Logo development

Logo development

It would seem like a small icon, but how many advantages does it have:

  • increasing company awareness
  • improving the effectiveness of marketing activities
  • a means of highlighting in a competitive market
  • increasing customer loyalty with successful activities.

There are many types of logos. The Tanix Group takes on the task of detailed analysis and development to improve your company's position in the market.

Banner and Slider Design

Banner and Slider Design

Are you holding promotions? Launching a new product line? Are you creating a new brand? The right banners and slides are what will help you get the message across to your users quickly. Post them on the website, in groups on social networks, on message boards. Visual message format is easier to remember and more useful than dry, uninteresting text.

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Brand book development

The main document responsible for conveying information about the corporate identity of the company and the features of its use. It captures all the information about fonts, colors, visual design and how these elements of the company's style are applied.

Brand book development
Brand book development

Brand book development

The main document responsible for conveying information about the corporate identity of the company and the features of its use. It captures all the information about fonts, colors, visual design and how these elements of the company's style are applied.

Print design

Print design

No matter how developed web design is, printing is still a popular product.
We design for:

  • business cards
  • booklets
  • notebooks
  • calendars

When creating layouts of printed products, the corporate identity of the company is taken into account, the logo is placed, the corporate colors of the brand are used.

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Who doesn't want to keep up with the latest trends?
Rebranding means changing the image of the site or the company as a whole.

We offer to order a design with an integrated approach. We will develop a corporate identity for your company with the inclusion of all the listed elements.



Who doesn't want to keep up with the latest trends?
Rebranding means changing the image of the site or the company as a whole.

We offer to order a design with an integrated approach. We will develop a corporate identity for your company with the inclusion of all the listed elements. For consultation, please contact the Tanix Group managers by phone +375 29 170-12-39 or place an order through a special form on the website, the managers will contact you themselves.