Brand book

What is a brandbook? If you translate literally, everything is clear, a book about the brand, but look deeper. A brand book for a company is like the constitution of a country. The correct corporate brand book is a set of laws on the basis of which the company is positioned in the market.

Brand book

Brand book design rules

Corporate identity is formed from four components. It is naive to believe that a simple description of the company and a beautiful design of the brand book bring some benefit to the brand: it will bring customers, improve the status in the market - no, without taking into account the position of the buyer, you will not gain benefits.
Creating a brand book can be based on different models. The most common is the 4D model, which takes into account four components at once: functional - the real benefit and benefit (what I will get by buying or ordering); psychological - how I will feel when ordering a product or service; social - what status will I acquire; spiritual - how will I feel after the acquisition? I will become more experienced or acquire skills.

Why do you need a brand book

If you have a large company and don't have a brand book, it's time to think about its development, as its absence is fraught with a number of difficulties. For example, designers not focused on the brand book may not guess what target audience your banner is designed for or use the wrong shade or color at all, which can quickly reduce brand awareness.
Every company should understand that a brand book is a necessity, it is your style, and also a reference point for everyone who cooperates with you.

Brand book
Brand book

Brand book creation: what may include

  • Historical information - principles of work, values, brand foundation. Describe not just the history of creation, but how the company developed, what customers used the services, and how the brand owner of the brand book helped them.
  • Portrait of the target audience - who will be interested in the service or product. In this section, it is important to speak the language of the client. If we provide services or sell goods to a lawyer, we will use speech with the inclusion of clericalism. If we sell to mom on maternity leave, we write with a lot of diminutives.
  • Corporate identity requirements are often put at the forefront. This part should be done by a professional designer, he knows when it is important to use the logo, what fonts should be used.
  • Examples of materials, type of goods, cases, achievements. Show what you did, how successful the actions were, how many people bought the product, include testimonials from satisfied customers.

Stages of brand book development

  • Creating a brand book is a rather complicated procedure, it will not be possible to perform it “on a whim”
  • Briefing. We interview the business owner, understand the features of work and interaction with the client.
  • Studying the target audience.
  • Formation and coordination of the work plan: when and what should be ready.
  • Concept development. Based on the data obtained, we determine the basis on which the book will be built.
  • Structure formation.
  • Development of individual parts of the book for approval.
  • Transfer of the finished work to the customer with the rationale for the solutions used in it.
Brand book

A brand book is the result of a high-quality study of the target audience and a designer’s long-term work to develop the company’s style. If you want a quality company book, welcome to Tanix.